Meet The Doctor
John H. Chiles, M.D.
Dr. Chiles was born in Tokyo, Japan while his father served on General MacArthur’s staff. As a child, he lived in various stateside Army posts as well Spain, Argentina, and Mexico. He graduated from West Point as an infantry officer and completed jump school and Ranger training. He was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division and then as a company commander on the DMZ in Korea. After graduating from medical school, he returned to active duty as Battalion Surgeon, 3rd Ranger Battalion. He completed his anesthesiology residency at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and then served for 6 months with an Army hospital during the UN’s Mission to Haiti. He returned to Walter Reed where he was appointed Chief of the Department of Anesthesia and then Anesthesiology Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Army. He concluded his Army career as Chief of Staff of the Army hospital in Baghdad, 2004. In civilian practice, he became alarmed at the large number of patients he saw preoperatively that had significant medical problems, many of them preventable. Inspired to help patients achieve wellness, he completed a fellowship and board certification in integrative medicine as well as becoming a certified functional medicine practitioner, Institute For Functional Medicine.

Career History

Dec 1949
Born in Tokyo (Father was on MacArthur’s staff)

June 1971
Graduation from West Point

Infantry lieutenant, 82nd Airborne Division

May 1983
Graduation from medical school

Jul 1984
Battalion Surgeon, 3rd Ranger Battalion

June 1991
Completed anesthesiology residency (Board certified)

Oct 1995
Chief of staff, Army hospital, UN Mission to Haiti

Jan 2004
Chief of staff, Army hospital, Baghdad

Mar 2018
Completed integrative medicine fellowship (Board certified)

June 2022
Passed his Functional Medicine exam